Bremer Canyon – Trial Expedition

It’s safe to say we saw orca today. Lots of orca.

Our first 2018 expedition is set to see many dreams come true tomorrrow. Today, the Bremer Canyon Crew headed out to our favourite place in the world for a final run through of our safety procedures and drills in our operating environment. Well, thats what we told the boss anyway…

Two weeks earlier than in previous years, we arrived at our blue office. We scanned the seas for blows and the skies for the swirls of birds that often accompany the orca when they are hunting. It wasn’t long before we spotted the low puffs of mist on the surface, snatched away almost as soon as they appeared in the stiff breeze. Seven shiny black dorsal fins followed as the pod surfaced in the swell. They kept their distance to begin with. We were not surprised to see this as they were accompanied by a small calf. After a quick capture of some photographs for identification of individuals, we moved on.

By contrast, the second pod we encountered detoured in our direction immediately, making many close passes as they eyed us from clear blue water. They eventually moved on, leaving behind them a crew filled with excitement and wishing away the remaining hours until our first expedition tomorrow.

Until tomorrow, 

The Bremer Canyon Crew

By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter

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