Playful Orca and Blue Whale Encounters

Noname mouth open a playful gesture

Playful Encounters: A Morning with Blue Whales

Little did we know our experience today would be more than just playful orca.

This morning’s expedition began with a special sighting of a very particular blow off Point Henry.

Only 5 nautical miles from where we set off. Approaching the shallow waters of 30 meters.

We were lucky to be graced by not one, but two of the largest animals to have ever existed on the planet, none other than a pair of Blue whales.

This was very exciting for our crew and everyone onboard as this was the first sighting of Blue Whales in the Bremer Bay area for the season!

These two gentle giants passively passed beside our vessel with another spotted in the distance, gently exhaling at the surface.

Understanding the Blues

With large whales such as the Blues, you only usually see one third of their entire body when they surface.

Only surfacing to expel the carbon dioxide from their lungs through their blowhole at the front portion of their head.

They usually round out and dive before the rest of the body can be exposed to the surface.

Joyful Moments: Dancing with Playful Orcas

After arriving to the hotspot with no sign of these apex predators, we travelled west towards the S-Bends and Hood canyon.

Located along the continental shelf, searching for the orca in case they were foraging for their food in neighbouring canyons.

Just after 12:30, Shredder and Noname appeared with Wonks, Split Tip, Kirra, Basil, Mamang, Flapper and Little Machi not far away.

Both groups cruising as the clouds cleared and sunshine beamed off the rolling swells.

Before long, Shredder and Noname switched up their mood and became very fond of the idea to circle our boat playfully passing underneath.

Exhuberant Encounters: Captivating Moments with Sea Lions

Noname stayed curious about the GoPro that was placed into the water, rolling on his side and grinning whilst trying to work out what the device was.

Our last pass from Smudge, Splittip, Shredder and Noname concluded out time out in the Bremer Canyon.

Heading back towards Glasse Island and observing the Australian sea lions basking in the sun, resting from their time feeding at sea.

Cheerful Interactions: Sharing Smiles with Marine Life

As we approached Glasse Island, the playful antics of the Australian sea lions greeted us.

These charismatic creatures seemed to delight in our presence, twisting and twirling in the water, seemingly inviting us to join in their underwater ballet.

Their boundless energy and curiosity were contagious, and we couldn’t help but share in their joyous spirit.

See more photos of the Blue Whales on our Facebook: Blog Date 20.03.2024

What are we currently seeing on our tours? 


An orca swims below the Alison Maree
By Naturaliste Charter An orca swims below the Alison Maree
Orca are curious about those onboard
By Naturaliste Charter Orca are curious about those onboard

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