We weren’t the only ones checking out the surf this morning on our Dunsborough Whale Watching adventure! A visiting Southern Right Whale mother and its calf who have been resting in Geographe Bay were down at Bunker Bay in the surf zone! A handful of surfers were able to sit on their boards quietly observe the mother while the calf suckled and they rolled gently in the swell.
Not something you see every day!
Another intriguing whale we sighted had significant white markings on its back and dorsal fin. Whether it or its a genetic colouration or scarring from a run in with predators or a man-made obstacle, its hard to say. However the picture below shows just how close the whales venture to the coastline!
By the afternoon we were mugged!! A pod of 5 humpbacks caught our eye and as we approached they turned directly towards us… Rather intimidating so we pulled up to an idle and waited for the whales to pass. Except they didn’t. They came over and stayed with us, passing under the boat rolling onto their side and pec waving. The seemingly largest whale of the pod was the one directed the rest of the whales and soon he had, had enough and on they went on their journey around Cape Naturaliste and into the sunset.