Bremer Canyon Pelagic (Naturaliste Charters) – Saturday 9th December 2023

Orca spotted on a Killer Whale Watching Tour in Bremer Bay

Bremer Canyon Pelagic Tours & Birding Highlights

The Bremer Canyon Pelagic Tours and Birding highlights included two White-chinned Petrels and a close pass by an Arctic Tern. A Long-tailed Jaeger was seen kleptoparasitising a White-faced Storm-Petrel. We also spotted three Gibson’s (Wandering) Albatrosses.

Additionally, we had short views of a scattered pod of Orca and brief sightings of a Sunfish. A large pod of Common Bottlenose Dolphins provided great interactions.

The Naturaliste Charters crew included Paul Cross (skipper), Craig Cotterill, Keith Lightbody, Kyle Sims, Machi Yoshida, and Mark Jackman.

Conditions: Moderate south-easterly winds persisted through most of the morning. Our ride out to the canyon was lumpy, with regular sea spray drenching those at the rear of the main deck.

Flesh-Footed Shearwaters

By mid-morning, the winds and seas eased, making the rest of the day very comfortable. Wind conditions remained enough to keep the birds flying all day. The swell remained moderate, between 2.5 and 3.5 metres.

Report: This trip marked the first of four dedicated pelagic expeditions to the Bremer Canyon and our first look at the newly refurbished MV Alison Maree.

The boat handled the choppy conditions on the way out with ease. We made good time to the Bremer Canyon ‘hotspot’. After passing Glasse Island, we encountered our first Flesh-footed Shearwaters, which were common throughout the day.

Halfway across the shelf, the call of ‘jaeger’ went out. A Long-tailed Jaeger flew alongside the boat for several minutes, then briefly chased a White-faced Storm-Petrel. The jaeger forced the petrel to disgorge some food, which the jaeger then collected.

Other sightings included the first Shy Albatross and Bridled Terns of the day were also spotted on the outward journey.

Petrels spotted resting over the waterWhite-chinned Petrels

Bremer Canyon Pelagic Tour

Minutes after arriving at the Bremer Canyon, we spotted a small mixed group of Grey-faced and Great-winged Petrels. They were sitting on the water, feeding on squid scraps.

As we slowed to observe these birds, a single White-chinned Petrel was spotted feeding nearby.

This is a very rare bird for Western Australian day trips, with only the second record from organised WA pelagics. It has been more commonly seen further offshore in summer, according to surveys.

We had now reached the famous ‘hotspot’, and within minutes, the first Gibson’s (Wandering) Albatross of the day passed the stern. Suddenly, the call of ‘blows’ went out, and we spotted the unmistakable black-and-white patterning of Orca.

Orca Blows Ahead!

A mature bull and several females made a few close passes, but most of the group scattered over a large area. In response, continued on our way to slightly deeper waters.

We soon stopped to begin chumming around the 1200m contour. It didn’t take long before good numbers of Flesh-footed Shearwaters gathered behind the boat. Regular Great-winged Petrels and a few Grey-faced Petrels also joined.

Small numbers of Shy/White-capped and Indian Yellow-nosed Albatrosses stopped to feed on the fish scraps. A few White-faced Storm-petrels fed further down the oily slick.

Next, a dainty ‘commic’ tern was spotted approaching the boat. After the reveal we realised it to be a fine Arctic Tern. It passed close to our stern, giving everyone excellent views of this relatively scarce visitor from the northern high latitudes.

Bremer Bay Orca Watching ToursOrca

Gibson’s Albatross & Sunfish

After drifting for a few hours with no new species, we decided to move back to slightly deeper waters.

During this short transit, we passed close to a decent-sized Sunfish. The second Gibson’s Albatross for the day approached but quickly flew off.

Soon after, we spotted the third Gibson’s Albatross, and it stayed with us longer. This allowed everyone to enjoy amazing views of this incredible seabird!

A quick fly-by Short-tailed Shearwater appeared at the western edge of their range here. Shortly after, we spotted our second White-chinned Petrel of the day.

This time, the photographers enjoyed better light as the bird flew by, capturing stunning images.

Indian Yellow Nosed Albatross spotted on tour

Heading homeward, our journey was memorable as a large group of Common Bottlenose Dolphins that broke away from chasing baitfish to play around boat. Surfing the bow waves and repeatedly jumping next to the boat and in our wake.

Final notable sightings were a brief view of an Arctic Jaeger as we approached the coast and a small group of Common Dolphins.

Thanks as always to the incredible job done by Naturaliste Charters.

Species list: total count (max. at one time) 

Bird List (pelagic counts beyond Glasse Island): 

Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus 1 (1)

Arctic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus 1 (1)

Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus 5 (3)

Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea 1 (1)

Great Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii 40 (6)

Gibson’s Albatross Diomedea antipodensis gibsonii 3 (1)

Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche carteri 5 (2)

Shy/White-capped Albatross Thalassarche cauta/steadi 8 (2)

Wilson’s Storm-Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 3 (1)

White-faced Storm-Petrel Pelagodroma marina 20 (8)

Great-winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 100 (10)

Grey-faced Petrel Pterodroma gouldii 5 (2)

White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 2 (1)

Flesh-footed Shearwater Ardenna carneipes 550 (240)

Short-tailed Shearwater Ardenna tenuirostris 2 (1)

Short-tailed/Sooty Shearwater Ardenna tenuirostris/grisea 2 (2)

Australasian Gannet Morus serrator 4 (2)


Orca Orca orcinus 6+ (6+) – Bremer Canyon hotspot

Common Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus 80+ (80+) – mid shelfal waters

Delphinus delphis  Common Dolphin + (5+) – inner shelfal waters

common bottlenose dolphin spotted on whale watching tourCommon Bottlenose Dolphin (Plaxy Barratt)

Shy/White-capped Albatross

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