Orca or Dolphin?

Orca or Dolphin?

The crew were doing the daily routine and informing the customers that were about to drop over the continental shelf when all of a sudden we were ON! Before we even reached the 1000m contour line we spotted an immense amount of white water, fins and the largest oil...
Energetic Orca Calf!

Energetic Orca Calf!

We encountered very docile and relaxed orca today, quite the opposite to the day prior! Orca generally have to eat at least 5% of their body weight each day which equates to around 250kg for fully grown animals! With 10+ orca in each pod that is a LOT of food...
The Chase!

The Chase!

The day started off with a BANG, the crew screaming ORCA within the first 5 minutes of dropping over the shelf! Of course it was El Notcho and his pod. The way El Notcho glides through the water like butter truly is an incredible sight! It wasn’t long and at least TWO...
What a KILLER day!

What a KILLER day!

The start to the 2019 killer whale season! The endless hours of preparing, the weeks of build-up and the HYPE for the season had the whole crew in knots as we made our way out of the harbour today! As we ventured toward the canyon every minute felt like hours!...


We have been awaiting a large pulse of humpbacks that had left Perth roughly 5-7 days ago, which arrived in the bay yesterday! We encountered multiple groups of mother/calf pairs with their accompanied escorts throughout the tour and didn’t have to head too far...


RIGHT OFF THE BAT! We were barely past the moorings when our deckie spotted a blow just behind the Telasea research vessel! We automatically thought it would be a humpback as the water depth was barely at 5m. As we approached the whale the crew all looked at each...