Our humpbacks were so relaxed yesterday! We had a large group with two mother calf pairs and their escorts that were frolicking at the surface right beside the vessel! The group put on a show of pec slaps and ventral activity for kilometres! One of the sub-adults...
Over 50 BLUE whales this season ALREADY!
Yesterday marked the 52-54th confirmed BLUE WHALE sighing in the bay for this season alone! 2016 was one of our best years for blues in Geographe Bay with just over 250 individuals documented in the bay over a single season! The majority of our blues are spotted in...
Competition Pod
We had a group of feisty bulls (large male humpbacks)that were very surface active yesterday! We commonly see energetic activity like this on the animals northern migration as they all compete for a females attention. The bulls were displaying many boisterous...
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