Competition Pod
We had a group of feisty bulls (large male humpbacks)that were very surface active yesterday! We commonly see energetic activity like this on the animals northern migration as they all compete for a females attention. The bulls were displaying many boisterous...
A blue day to you!
The first thing a customer asked yesterday was “how often do you see blue whales?”, it was something on his bucket list! We stated that we have been seeing them earlier this year than any other and that we get the majority around November. However, we have...
Curious Calves!
Another jam packed day of tours and WHALES galore! Humpbacks were the main attraction across the three tours, from mums and calves to pods of energetic bulls! We love watching the interactions between a mother/calf pair change towards the boat over the course of their...
Smiles from shore to sunset
It was another magnificent day of tours yesterday! We started the day with breaching calves just off the mooring and ended the day with a sunset tour with the full moon glimmering on the surface to guide us home! A blue whale blow in the distance had us steaming...
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