

Naturaliste Charters Whale Blogs

Orcas don’t belong in Captivity

Published on December 7, 2021 By Alison Cross

Captive animals can shed light on biology and physiology that cannot be observed in wild populations. For example psychology, cognition and immunology. Captive studies have also heavily contributed to acoustics and physiology. However advances in technology have allowed scientists to conduct low impact sampling of wild populations and gather the same amount of data as the highly invasive technique

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Why Do Whales Beach Themselves?

Published on December 1, 2021 By Alison Cross

For a whale to beach themselves or “strand” means to come up onto the shore. Usually they are ill, weak or maybe just ‘lost’. They can be alive still or in some cases have passed away out at sea and been washed in with the currents and tides.

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How Deep can Whales Dive?

Published on October 20, 2021 By Alison Cross

So how does an animal not only survive here, but thrive? While we’re down here, we will answer the question “How deep can whales dive?” We’re about to take a *deep dive* into all this and so much more!

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10 FUN facts about whales that you probably didn’t know

Published on October 6, 2021 By Alison Cross

Below are 10 fun facts about whales that you probably didn’t know! Join us on a Western Australia whale watching tour for more fun and exciting facts about whales.

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Whale Facts: How can Whales Communicate?

Published on September 3, 2021 By Alison Cross

For whales and dolphins who spend almost 85% of their life underwater where it is fairly dark, they heavily rely on sound for survival. Let’s delve further into how whales communicate!

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