

Naturaliste Charters Whale Blogs

Deciphering the soundscape of the Canyon!!

Published on February 13, 2019 By Alison Cross

Numerous marine organisms use sounds for communication, reproduction, and to seek prey! Just as a microphone collects sound in the air, hydrophones detect acoustic signals under water. Today we deployed the hydrophone multiple times to let our...

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Black, white…and YELLOW?

Published on February 12, 2019 By Alison Cross

The orca rode the swell as it jacked up over the 1000m contour line from the depths. Click here to know more!

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Published on February 11, 2019 By Alison Cross

This morning we were greeted by over 200 pilot whales moving through the water in pulses toward the boat, surrounding us at every angle! As we thought they were gone there was always another group not far behind that cruised toward the bow. It...

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Published on February 9, 2019 By Alison Cross

The orca were as relaxed as the calm ocean today! Almost sipping the air as they cruised and scanned the deep blue sub-basin amongst the “hotspot”. Of course, El Notcho had to make a close pass to let us know he was in the vicinity. El Notcho...

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*NOT for the faint-hearted*

Published on February 8, 2019 By Alison Cross

*DISCLAIMER* Please do not view this blog if you have a weak stomach! The images attached are very graphic and capture a beaked whale being taken down by orca (both description and imagery are explicit). The morning was slow to start, after 30...

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