

Naturaliste Charters Daily Whale Blogs


Published on January 14, 2019 By Naturaliste Charters

Today was a day for feasting orcas!! On approach to the hotspot there was evidence of a large oil slick giving the surface a “blue silk-like” impression as birds swirled above which indicated the main event, a predation, had already be...

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The Pursuit!

Published on January 12, 2019 By Naturaliste Charters

Our day started quite slow as we only had fleeting glimpses of the orca around the hotspot. Two or three pods spread out over the white capped sea made for some close passes but the orca seemed distracted spending 2-3 minutes on the...

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Tight Formations!

Published on January 11, 2019 By Naturaliste Charters

Our anxious and excited passengers were greeted this morning with calm seas and clear skies! The orca reflected this relaxed mood as they seemed to be patrolling around the hotspot for the first half of the morning and since there was...

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Weird and Wonderful

Published on January 10, 2019 By Naturaliste Charters

Just like clockwork El Notcho and Cookie’s pod were spotted as we dropped off the shelf into the hotspot! We noticed a slowly dissipating oil slick, missing the action only by moments! The pod spent a few minutes below the surface in...

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Published on January 9, 2019 By Alison Cross

The Canyon was a washing machine today! Contrary to customers belief at times, the windier the weather, the better the tour! Swell from one direction and wind from another, forming the perfect conditions for out orca to hunt! The past...

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