The Answers To Your Questions About Orca – Killer Whales

Killer whale (orca) tours in Bremer Bay Western Australia

What Time Do Orca – Killer Whales Wake Up?

Orca – Killer whales don’t follow a standard wake-up time as their sleep patterns are unique. Orcas are uni-hemispheric sleepers, meaning one half of their brain stays active while the other rests. They are active both day and night, with intermittent periods of rest.

What Are the Chances of Seeing Orca – Killer Whales on a Whale-Watching Tour?

Our tours commence mid December until April in Bremer Bay, WA. The chances of encountering killer whales on a tour are exceptionally high, often exceeding 90%, especially when guided by experienced skippers like those at Naturaliste Charters. We offer a FREE re-visit to passengers on the rare chance that they do not sight killer whales.

Is Orca – Killer Whale Watching Worth It in the Rain?

Absolutely! Orcas are active regardless of the weather. Rain often enhances the dramatic seascape, creating an unforgettable experience.

Just bring waterproof clothing to stay comfortable.

Is There A Whale Sanctuary in the Great Southern of Western Australia?

The Australian Whale Sanctuary includes seven marine park networks, providing protected habitats for whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

The park off the southern coast of Bremer Bay is:

  • Bremer Marine Park

This area supports conservation while allowing activities like whale watching, diving, and fishing.

What Is the Best Month to Go Orca – Killer Whale Watching in Australia?

The best time to witness killer whales in Australia is between December and April in Bremer Bay.

This period aligns with the arrival of orcas feeding in the Bremer Canyon, a marine hotspot rich in nutrients and marine life.

Where Do Orca – Killer Whales Go in Winter Each Year?

Orcas are found across various oceans and don’t follow a strict migratory pattern like humpback whales.

Instead, their movements are influenced by prey availability.

Some orcas, such as those seen in Bremer Bay, remain in specific regions year-round, while others may travel vast distances in search of food.

Where Is the Best Place to See Orca – Killer Whales in Perth?

To see killer whales, you’ll need to travel a bit further afield from Perth.

Bremer Bay, approximately five hours southeast of Perth, is the prime location for orca encounters in Western Australia.

What Time Is Best for Orca – Killer Whale Watching?

Killer whales can be active at any time of day.

However, morning tours are often preferred for calmer seas and optimal light conditions for spotting these apex predators.

Do You Get Wet on Orca – Killer Whale Watching Tours?

There is always a chance of getting wet, especially if the weather is windy or if an orca makes a dramatic splash.

Waterproof clothing is recommended to stay dry and comfortable. Our catamaran – The Alison Maree – has undercover areas to keep you dry and coffee, tea and milo is supplied throughout the tour!

Do Orca – Killer Whales Fully Sleep?

No, killer whales never fully sleep.

They rest one hemisphere of their brain at a time, allowing them to stay partially conscious to surface for air and remain aware of their surroundings.

Where Do Orca – Killer Whales Go When They Sleep?

When resting, killer whales typically slow down and stay near the surface of the water.

This allows them to breathe easily while remaining semi-alert to potential threats or prey.

How Many Orca – Killer Whales Are There in Australia?

While exact population numbers are unclear, killer whales are widely distributed in Australian waters.

The Bremer Bay population is one of the most studied and provides an incredible opportunity for observation during the summer months.

What Is the Most Common Whale in Australia?

While humpback whales are the most common large whale species in Australia.

Killer whales are frequently observed in Bremer Bay and are known for their intelligence, hunting strategies, and striking black-and-white patterns.


Killer whale watching in Bremer Bay offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe these apex predators in their natural habitat.

With peak viewing times from December to April, join Naturaliste Charters for a thrilling marine adventure led by our expert skippers.

To view more about Killer Whale Expeditions or to BOOK.

Follow our Facebook page to keep up with what we are viewing off Bremer Bay

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