Unforgettable Orca Encounter in Bremer Canyon

Encountering a Sea Lion

A Memorable Day Encountering Orca in Bremer Canyon

Our ocean encounters began before we’d even left the wharf today.

The guests were treated to the sight of a sea lion swimming around the stern of the vessel, we are off to a great start!

After watching it for a short while, we made our way out to the hotspot.

Not long after reaching our destination, we encountered part of Split Tip’s pod and had Shredder pass close to the bow of the boat.

A Close Encounter with Split Tip’s Pod

Split Tip, Wonks, and others from the pod started closing in from the distance.

Soon guests were watching on as orca all charged ahead in the same direction.

We soon had to leave them to their hunting as they were spending more time underwater than above.

We set off to find the others, though we weren’t searching for long.

Playful Encounters and Feeding Behaviours

Guests on the bow and stern were treated to the playfulness of some of the calves within the pod.

Even the adults got in on the fun, one female even showing her underside to those on the stern, leaving guests cheering.

Amongst the play, evidence that the orcas were feeding appeared in the form of oil slicks on the surface.

This lured in storm petrels from up to 20km away by scent alone.

Noosa, an older female in the group, passed closely off our bow.

Offering us a close look at her huge curved dorsal fin and what appeared to have been a small piece of meat in her mouth.

A Day of Discovery

We watched the group move ahead, leaving behind smaller oil slicks in their wake before turning around to head home.

We certainly got to see some different sides to the Orca today during our encounter in the Bremer hotspot.

From the playful and curious side to the apex predators seeking nothing but a feed, providing an unforgettable experience in the Bremer Canyon.

View more photos from this tour on Facebook: Search 7.3.2024 Blog

We Whale Watch from Augusta from May – July. Book NOW!

Rainbow Orca
By Naturaliste Charter Rainbow Orca
A female orca rolling onto her back
By Naturaliste Charter A female orca rolling onto her back
Playful orca in Bremer Canyon
By Naturaliste Charter Playful orca in Bremer Canyon
Orca have been clocked swimming speeds up to 56 km per hour
By Naturaliste Charter Orca have been clocked swimming speeds up to 56 km per hour
The view of orca from the deck of the Alison Maree
By Naturaliste Charter The view of orca from the deck of the Alison Maree
By Naturaliste Charter

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