
Warning graphic content: A Trophy Display of Nature’s Predation

Basil carrying a beaked whale skull
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In the vast expanse of the Bremer Canyon, where killer whales reign supreme, nature’s drama unfolds with raw intensity.

Today we arrive to the aftermath of a predation.

Eyes in the Sky: A Bird’s-Eye View of Predation

Without the help of drones or spotter planes, we rely on the keen observation of birds to locate the elusive killer whales.

Flesh-footed shearwaters, our avian allies, swirl overhead, signalling the presence of orcas engaged in predation.

Predatory Tactics of the Orcas

As the orcas emerged—Cookie, Oreo, and Spock—a piece of meat clutched in their jaws, the grim reality of the hunt came into focus.

The trio, bearing pale chunks devoid of fresh blood, hinted at a successful predation earlier that morning.

A Feast of Blood and Oil

In the distance, the rest of the pod and members of Sara’s group congregated, drawn by the scent of blood and the promise of a meal.

A surge ensued, signalling a successful hunt—a beaked whale, claimed without a trace of surface blood, exemplifying nature’s predatory prowess.

A Gruesome Display of Predation

Young Basil, parading the beaked whale’s head as a trophy, epitomized the brutal elegance of nature’s predatory cycle.

Adina’s revelation, a belly-up roll exposing Adeano’s identity, added a surprising twist to the macabre scene of predation.

Predatory Interactions in the Wild

Amidst the feeding frenzy, diverse species of Albatross circled, bearing witness to nature’s unyielding predation.

Even the arrival of pilot whales, unperturbed by the killer whales’ presence, added another layer to the tableau in Bremer Canyon.

Heading for Home: Reflections

As the killer whales turned homeward, sated from their feast, we too turned our vessel towards home.

A brief detour to witness the peaceful slumber of Australian sea lions serving as a tranquil counterpoint to the day’s predation.


Want to see more photos of the predation? Visit Facebook search Blog 06.03.2024

Come with us to Bremer Canyon to see the Killer Whales in action.

Orca spy hopping
By Naturaliste Charter Orca spy hopping
Shearwaters fighting over leftovers from the predation
By Naturaliste Charter Shearwaters fighting over leftovers from the predation
Young calf and mother follow the killer whale pod in predation
By Naturaliste Charter Young calf and mother follow the killer whale pod in predation

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