An Exciting Show of Marine Life: 27.06.24 Morning Tour

Breaching Humpback Whale

An Exciting Start to the Day

Wow! This morning’s tour was nothing short of exciting and breathtaking.

We were fortunate to experience a large group of 6-7 humpbacks, with a total of just over 10 individuals spotted throughout the day within the bay.

The sight of these majestic creatures moving through the surface waters with such grace and speed was truly awe-inspiring.

Mingling with Bottlenose Dolphins

Adding to the excitement, the humpbacks were mingling with a pod of Bottlenose dolphins that were feeding on an array of baitfish schools.

The interaction between the two species was fascinating to watch.

The dolphins, with their agility and playful nature, darted around the larger humpbacks, creating a dynamic and lively scene.

This rare sight of interspecies interaction highlighted the rich biodiversity of the bay and the complex relationships within marine ecosystems.

Dramatic Displays

Throughout the tour, the humpbacks put on an impressive display of behaviours.

The excited passengers witnessed several head lunges and tail lobs, showcasing their strength and agility.

One of the most thrilling moments was an impressive pass in front of the bow in close proximity.

Seeing these massive creatures up close left everyone in awe of their size and beauty.

Social Structure and Behaviour

Humpbacks are known to be social animals, though they do not have fixed family units like dolphins.

Instead, they travel in at least pairs or larger groups for socialisation and protective purposes.

This behaviour is crucial for their survival, as it offers protection against potential predators such as orcas.

The sight of these humpbacks traveling together reinforced the importance of social bonds in their lives.

Even if those bonds are more fluid than those of other marine mammals.

A Spectacular Finale

As if the tour couldn’t get any better, we were treated to two spectacular breaches to tie off the end of an amazing tour in Augusta.

The sight of a humpback whale leaping out of the water, defying gravity.

Crashing back down with a tremendous splash was the perfect finale to our journey.

These breathtaking moments left everyone on board with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the ocean.

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