Persistance is KEY in the canyon!

Persistance is KEY in the canyon!

The morning started with another NEAR miss! Oil slicks were scattered across the hotspot. The now docile orca were popping up intermittently and only for a quick glance. Noosa and her clan made one fowl swoop toward the vessel, only to dive deep and disappear on us!...
The HUNT- start to finish!

The HUNT- start to finish!

Moments before reaching the hotpot El Notcho and Cookies pod surfaced in a perfect formation, cruising right toward us! The speed and mentality of the pod suggested they were just headed over to greet us. As the pod edged closer (still quite slowly), we noticed a...
The Entire Catalogue!!!!

The Entire Catalogue!!!!

 We didn’t find orca until after lunch today, making it all that more rewarding when we sighted that first fin slicing through the surface. We had searched all the usual places, S-Bends, Occy’s Garden and Shrek’s Head before rolling the dice and heading deep south...
Pirouette Playing Orca

Pirouette Playing Orca

Approximately FORTY storm petrels greeted us on arrival to the Hotspot this morning, not “the most ever seen in the canyon” but certainly a great sight! The orca had already devoured breakfast but it didn’t hit the spot as they continued to forage. El Notcho and...
Beaked Whale Boneyard

Beaked Whale Boneyard

Predation in the Sub Basin We found one group of orca as soon as we dropped off the shelf. We stayed with them for a few minutes before we realised there was more action ahead! Pushing further South, to find they were chasing something, surging through the water at...