Today was a day for feasting orcas!! On approach to the hotspot there was evidence of a large oil slick giving the surface a “blue silk-like” impression as birds swirled above which indicated the main event, a predation, had already been made not too long before we...
The Pursuit!
An Epic Orca Hunt in Western Australia: Unforgettable Marine Encounters Our day began slowly, offering only fleeting glimpses of orcas near the hotspot, little did we know we were to see an orca hunt. Although two or three pods were spread out over the white-capped...
Tight Formations!
Our anxious and excited passengers were greeted this morning with calm seas and clear skies!The orca reflected this relaxed mood as they seemed to be patrolling around the hotspot for the first half of the morning and since there was not a breath of wind the commonly...
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