On our arrival the hotspot was riddled with birds and pilot whales in the 100s, stretching as far as the eye could see! The angry little sausages came extremely close to the vessel, even with their TINY little calves! Some of the juveniles even putting on quite a...
An ABC tv crew from Landline were onboard our vessel today to document everything orca-some!I swear these orca are the most photographed animals in the south-west! We are also lucky to have a Japanese film crew from NHK onboard for the next week who are developing a...
Flashes of dark flesh amidst copious amounts of white water were what made up our first encounter….but was it orca??? As we edged toward the group we discovered it was in fact three adult sperm whales!!!The sperm whales came alongside for a brief moment before they...
03.03.2019Another wild adventure in the Bremer Canyon today! As it always seems to be the way as soon as we think we have these Orca figured out they stay unpredictable, no surprises here as they are the apex predators and you don’t get to the top of the food chain by...
The long weekend came with a LONG wait! However persistence and patience pays off in the canyon! The sky was grey and the swell was rolling! We had nearly given up hope when customers on the bow started slowly pointing and looking at each other with equal amounts...
The energy from today’s keen customers rose with the increasing wind gusts that blew us out to the canyon! With high energy came high anticipation as we hammered out over the continental shelf! The day felt as though it was going to be as big as the swell, and it...
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