Whale Watching Tours – Augusta and Albany
Ahoy to the winter whale season!What a great start to the Augusta Whale Watching season as well as the Albany Whale Watching season! From great white sharks, rescued entangled whales and close encounters by our inquisitive juvenile humpbacks we have definitely had our...
Albany Whale Watching Blog
Naturaliste Charters are pleased to be commencing Whale Watching tours from the Albany Waterfront Marina from the 1st June 2019, the long range weather forecast is looking good and plenty of whales have been sighted in King George Sound so we are sure to have a great...
Set for the Season!
Another splendid day in what seems to be the rainbow capital of the world! From the interactions we have had over the last few days to kick the Augusta humpback season off it is fair to say that the season is set now as we have had a steady flow of humpback whales...
Ocean Ballerina
Our passengers today were in high spirits as we motored out into the belly of Flinders Bay, even a small shower couldn’t dampen the mood!Two tall blows were spotted ahead so we boosted over to find a slow moving, uninterested whale. This whale wasn’t a very good...
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