

pilot whales and orca



Brrrrr Autumn chill on the high seas today! The Orcas didn’t seem to mind though… They were relaxed and moving in a search formation, spread out and coordinated as they took big sweeping passes across the hotspot. We, as a consequence drove round circles, we had them, then they disappeared in a splash, evading us for a short while. Perfect time for us to have lunch and some chats. Silvery deep blue tones and big rolling southern ocean swell all around.

And as we waited and watched. We saw a very very special and quite dashing Alby. It was a Wandering Albatross specifically exulans with it’s monster wingspan and sassy demeanour. Youngsters can spend 5-10 years at sea before returning to their natal island to breed.

Once the orcas were back on, a large single male cruised through, totally solo. Not a sight we see often (as the family group is usually close by). A cute and playful pod of mother and calf long finned pilot whales graced us with their presence. And a final farewell of a beautiful big Orca pod cruised past and put huge grins on all of our faces.

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