
Paparazzi arrive in Bremer Bay

An ABC tv crew from Landline were onboard our vessel today to document everything orca-some!I swear these orca are the most photographed animals in the south-west! We are also lucky to have a Japanese film crew from NHK onboard for the next week who are developing a natural history documentary and scoping out potential avenues for the film (GO BREMER CANYON)! With a forecast for swell nearing 4m our customers were all fitted out with water activated PFD day jackets as an extra safety precaution before boarding the vessel. Although we were rocked around by the swell on our 1.5 hour voyage out to the hotspot the boat is more than capable to withstand the weather AND our customers handled it with ease! The swell subsided and the wind dropped right off for us as we edged off the continental shelf (luckily for our film crews!)The orca lead us straight to the S-Bends yet again! We had two main pods today, Kumba and Nibbles but we also sighted El Notcho this morning after not seeing him for over a week now! The orca displayed hunting behaviour for the majority of the day, with intermittent close passes by some of the juveniles! A mother and calf cruised past a large jellyfish, turning back to play with it, nudging it with their rostrum right beside the vessel! The calf peeled off from the group multiple times to come and show off for us, displaying playful manoeuvres, tail slaps, ventral turns and pec waves! It wasn’t long before the curious calves mother came to collect the inquisitive youngster! It didn’t take long for the calf to convince the mother to come back over for one last look and the rest of the pod joined! Our final encounter consisted of a large bull encroaching on the bow passing right past our underwater camera, and with that we were done for the day and the paparazzi packed up! 

By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter
By Naturaliste Charter

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