Humpback Whale Watching South West – WA: FAQs and Insights

Whale Watching Faq's

Frequently Asked Questions About Humpback Whale Behaviour


We often get asked questions about humpback whale behaviour, so here is a blog to help answer some of these and satisfy your curiosity! Whether you’re planning a trip to Augusta, Margaret River, Dunsborough, or Busselton, knowing when and where to see humpback whales can enhance your whale-watching experience.

When Can You See Whales in Augusta?

Whale migration commences around May each year, with the whales migrating north to warmer waters for calving season. Our Augusta Whale Watching Eco Tours run from late May to mid-August, twice daily. They depart from the Augusta Boat Harbour, which is a 43km, half-hour drive from Margaret River.

When Can You See Whales in Margaret River?

Whale migration starts around May each year as whales head north for the calving season. Our Augusta Whale Watching Eco Tours operate from late May to mid-August, twice daily. Departures are from the Augusta Boat Harbour, a 43km, half-hour drive from Margaret River.

When Can You See Whales in Dunsborough and Busselton?

Whale migration in a southerly direction occurs from mid-August to November. Our Dunsborough Whale Watching Tours leave twice daily from the Professional Fisherman’s Boat Ramp in Quindalup. Dunsborough is about 23km and a 23-minute drive from Busselton.

What Is the Best Month to Go Whale Watching?

The best time to go whale watching in the South West of Western Australia is between late May and November. Tours leave from Augusta from late May to mid-August and from Dunsborough from mid-August to the end of November.

What Is the Whale Watching Capital of Australia?

The title of Whale Watching Capital of Australia is often contested. Hervey Bay in Queensland and Perth, Margaret River, and Dunsborough in Western Australia are top contenders due to the high number of whale sightings each season.

Where Can I See Whales in the South West?

The South West of Western Australia, from Bunbury to Augusta and from Capel to Busselton, offers excellent whale-watching opportunities. Tours depart from Dunsborough and Augusta during their respective seasons.

Top Whale Watching Destinations in the South West?

In the South West of Western Australia, Augusta and Dunsborough are the top whale-watching destinations during their respective seasons.

How Do Whales Sleep?

Whales exhibit uni-hemispheric sleep, meaning they shut down half of their brain at a time. This allows them to continue breathing and remain aware of their surroundings. They typically sleep near the surface of the ocean.

What Time of Day Do Whales Breach Most?

Whales can breach at any time of the day, but early morning and late afternoon are often the best times to witness this spectacular behaviour.

What Time Do Whales Wake Up?

Whales do not have a set wake-up time as their sleep patterns differ significantly from land mammals. They rest intermittently throughout the day and night.

What Are the Chances of Seeing Whales While Humpback Whale Watching?

During peak migration season, the chances of seeing whales on a whale-watching tour are very high, often over 90%.

Is Whale Watching Worth It in the Rain?

Yes, whale watching can still be enjoyable in the rain. Whales are active regardless of the weather, and sometimes rain can create a dramatic and beautiful backdrop for viewing.

Where Is the Australian Whale Sanctuary?

The Australian Whale Sanctuary encompasses seven marine park networks:

These parks offer opportunities for wildlife watching, diving, boating, snorkelling, and fishing. They also support fishing and tourism industries, providing food and energy.

What Is the Best Month to Go Humpback Whale Watching in Australia?

For the South West of Western Australia, the best time to go whale watching is between late May and November each year.

Where Do Whales Go in Winter Each Year?

In winter, humpback whales, southern right whales, and blue whales migrate north from Antarctica to warmer waters, such as the Kimberley region in northern Australia.

Where Is the Best Place to See Whales in Perth?

Perth offers several whale-watching spots, including Hillarys Boat Harbour and Fremantle, with tours operating during the migration season.

What Time Is Best for Whale Watching?

Early morning and late afternoon are generally the best times for whale watching, as whales are often more active during these times.

Do You Get Wet on Humpback Whale Watching Tours?

There is a possibility of getting wet on whale-watching tours. Rain and whale breaches can cause splashes, so it’s advisable to wear waterproof clothing.

Where Do Whales Go When They Sleep?

Whales typically sleep near the surface of the ocean, allowing them to easily come up for air while remaining partially aware of their surroundings.

What Is the Most Common Whale in Australia?

Humpback whales are the most common and are renowned for their spectacular behaviours, making them a highlight of the annual whale migration.


Whale watching in the South West of Western Australia offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience, with peak viewing times from late May to November. Whether you are watching from Augusta, Margaret River, Dunsborough, or Busselton, you are sure to witness the magnificent migration and behaviours of humpback whales. With these FAQs, we hope to have answered your questions and piqued your curiosity about these incredible marine giants. Book your tour with Naturaliste Charters Whale Watching for an unforgettable adventure.


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