Adventure on the Foggy Seas Our adventure to Bremer Canyon started as a unique experience as an eerie fog enveloped the harbour, casting an otherworldly aura over the morning. We embarked on a journey southward, cutting through the gentle undulations of the ocean. Our...
A Day with Orcas: A Spectacular Encounter on the Alison MareeTo encounter majestic orcas and a plethora of avian wonders was on the checklist as we embarked on our journey to Bremer Canyon.Skies were clear and the sun shining, anticipation filled the air as we set...
Marine Marvels of the Bremer CanyonThe Bremer Canyon was a hive of activity today, boasting an impressive array of marine life.A highlight of our expedition was encountering a pod of pilot whales upon our arrival at the hotspot.Among them were several newborn calves,...
A Glorious Expedition in the Southern OceanWith the Great Southern Ocean area of Bremer Canyon all to ourselves today.A glorious expedition into the choppy waters was anticipated by Alison Maree and her passengers. Dark clouds were quickly clearing behind us, the sun...
Playful Encounters: A Morning with Blue WhalesLittle did we know our experience today would be more than just playful orca.This morning’s expedition began with a special sighting of a very particular blow off Point Henry.Only 5 nautical miles from where we set...
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