Marine Mammal TRIFECTA!!
The hotspot went from a bustling, high traffic city centre over the past few days to a completely deserted ghost town today! We spent the first half of the day searching all of our well-known waypoints, with not even a trace of life! We were excitedly led toward bird...
Koomba and El Notcho were the main bulls today, with their pods combined we were in the presence of over 20 orcas within a mile radius throughout the day! The orca led us in circles around the hotspot, barely nudging the border before taking us back through the...
2m Swell from the SW and an equally vast sea from the east, provided washing machine-like yet perfect orca conditions today! After yesterday’s lull in activity the crew were eager with the anticipation rising as we approached the hotspot! Within only MOMENTS the call...
Sleepy Orca!
After yesterday’s large weather system and 5-6m swells, it was suggestive that the swell would still be steadily pumping today! As we ventured toward the canyon we were pleasantly surprised; the swell was dropping, however, still providing a substantial 3m crest...
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