

Naturaliste Charters Daily Whale Blogs

Twitchers Heaven!

Published on January 19, 2019 By Alison Cross

Our first visitor for the day was a brave little New Zealand fur seal who twirled around in circles right beside the boat weaving between the orca before deciding it might be a good idea to make a quick getaway! This was a wise decision as the...

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What a SPECIAL show!

Published on January 18, 2019 By Alison Cross

Low wind, small swell….no orca! That’s right, as tour operators we usually despise the large seas, however in Bremer we encourage the wind gods! Our orca thrive amongst the crashing waves and white wash as these conditions are deemed best for...

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Its a GIRL!

Published on January 17, 2019 By Alison Cross

We hadn't even made it onto the roof to start scanning when we heard the cheers for ORCA! The 1000m contour line was the the opening to the deep blue gates of the canyon where our orca rose from the depths like a pack of hunting...

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Suns Out!

Published on January 16, 2019 By Naturaliste Charters

What a beautiful day to be out on the water! Calm and ridiculously clear water as well as a cloudless, sunshine filled sky meant for a relaxing day out on the water searching for orca! Once again we were greeted by a pod of 15 common...

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Special Visitors

Published on January 15, 2019 By Naturaliste Charters

Before we even left the dock we were greeted by a friendly Australia Sea Lion blowing bubbles, resting and playing with the water as we departed, a common sight here in Bremer Bay. Another special sight today was on the way out to the...

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