Our passengers today were in high spirits as we motored out into the belly of Flinders Bay, even a small shower couldn’t dampen the mood!Two tall blows were spotted ahead so we boosted over to find a slow moving, uninterested whale. This whale wasn’t a very good...
We are well and truly into the start of the whale season here in Augusta! Today we had a beautiful big humpback cruising quietly through flinders bay only perking up as soon as it moved out into deeper waters.The large humpie barrel rolled and flung itself around on...
The weather gods were shining down on us today for the first day of the Whale Season here in Augusta, the sun WAS peeking through warming our backs as we watched whales play in Flinders Bay. As it was our first day for the 2019 Augusta season we were slightly...
Another spectacular day on board our vessel Alison-Maree in Flinders Bay, Augusta. Our morning tour began slowly with a cheeky shy whale but rapidly changed pace when another more boisterous whale began breaching off the horizon. Breach after breach this whale must...
A hazey horizon this morning and smooth sailing conditions started what would turn out to be a magical day in the canyon! The hotspot sure was hot as on our arrival we were met with a large pod of Long Finned Pilot Whales. They were showing playful and mating...
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